What is Intermittent Fasting?


Intermittent Fasting? What’s That?

Intermittent fasting is a diet that alternates eating and fasting periods. While some people use it to lose weight, others use it as an energy booster or for spiritual reasons.

It means you only eat certain types of food at certain times or fast for a specified number of hours each day. This diet has helps people lose weight and improve their health.

It works by reducing the number of calories that they consume in a day. It also helps by making them feel fuller after eating less.

Some people doing intermittent fasting will eat during a specific window of the day. They refrain from eating outside that window.

This allows the digestive system to rest, while also boosting energy levels. This is due to there being fewer meals consumed each day.

By extending the time until your body burns through calories from your most recent meal, intermittent fasting can help you to lose weight. Studies show that fasting has plenty of health benefits. Fasting improves blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity.

Extra calories and a lack of exercise can lead to a higher risk of diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

Studies show that intermittent fasting may be able to reverse insulin resistance. Intermittent fasting helps the body to burn more fat by keeping insulin levels stable. It also reduces oxidative stress in the body which helps to combat severe diseases.

There are a variety of ways to go about intermittent fasting. 

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What intermittent fasting is, starts with deciding on a regular schedule for eating and fasting. 

This can include deciding on a timeframe for eating and a specific time for fasting. You can also do it by choosing to eat during certain hours of the day.

For instance, you could try eating only one meal every day, but fasting the other sixteen. You could also try fasting for eight hours each day and eating the other sixteen. Either way, you would be able to avoid overeating and would find your food more fulfilling.

It’s very important to visit your doctor before beginning an intermittent fasting regimen. This diet is not for everyone as you may need a change of diet and/or medicine. For example, if you are diabetic, it can be difficult to control your low blood sugar levels while fasting.

If you need medication at any point in the day, it may need to be taken with food, and any kind of fasting may make this difficult

Some people use intermittent fasting as a way to lose weight or combat long-term ailments such as arthritis and high cholesterol.

But not everyone can practice intermittent fasting without any consequences. This is why it should be supervised by a doctor.

There are some people who are not advised to try this without consulting a doctor. These people include children under the age of 18, pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, and anyone with a history of eating disorders.

You can join our free group here, and get some excellent dietary recommendations that may just reverse your Type 2 Diabetes diagnosis! 



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