Can a Fasting Mimicking Diet Reverse Type 2 Diabetes?


Have you heard that a fasting-mimicking diet can reverse Type 2 Diabetes?

Can a Fasting Mimicking Diet Reverse Type 2 Diabetes? According to research sponsored by USC, a fasting-mimicking diet indeed can reverse

Type 2 diabetes1

The fasting-mimicking diet is low-calorie and low-protein. It is designed to mimic the effects of fasting. The research found it can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce body fat in people with type 2 diabetes2

Dr. Valter Longo’s research on mice and human cells shows that fasting-mimicking diets encourage the creation of new insulin-producing cells. The diet is said to lessen type 1 and type 2 diabetes symptoms in mice. The researchers used mice to model type 1 diabetes by removing the beta cells. Then, they are placed on a fasting-mimicking diet for several days.

When the pancreas loses insulin-producing cells, it increases blood sugar level volatility. Without these cells, the body cannot properly regulate blood sugar levels. 

After the experiment, the researchers found out that the insulin production of the mice has returned to normal. They also found decreased insulin resistance and more consistent blood glucose levels3

So yes, a fasting-mimicking diet can put Type 2 Diabetes into remission.

How does a fasting-mimicking diet work for Type 2 Diabetes?

When you’re fasting-mimicking, you will know what you can and cannot eat, as well as when you’ll limit your calorie intake. You also need to ensure that you’re getting the right nutrition from the foods you eat. Limiting your portion sizes of food intake accordingly is also essential.

Over five days, the method “tricks” your body into believing you are fasting while you are still consuming food. This is done by restricting calories for two days out of the five while eating normally for the other three days. By cycling between periods of fasting and eating, you can reap the benefits of both states.

Fasting-mimicking diets claim to provide the same health advantages as other fasting plans. It includes weight loss, improved mental clarity, and increased energy levels. Some even say that mimicking fasting can help to prevent certain diseases. 

The fasting-mimicking diet also asserts slowing the aging process by enhancing cell repair. By providing the body with specific nutrients helps repair damaged cells. It also improves cell function.

Although this diet may help to improve the symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes, it is not a guaranteed cure. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to managing type two diabetes. 

It is therefore important to work with a healthcare professional to find the best plan for you.

Read more HERE about a different type of fasting that helps insulin resistance and Type 2 Diabetes. 


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