Tip 5 of 7 Tips to Reverse Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes


Here is Tip 5 of 7 tips to reverse your prediabetes or Type 2 Diabetes:

Learn to Intermittent Fast.

Tip 5 of 7 tips to reverse prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes.

More and more studies are showing that a way of eating called Intermittent Fasting is reversing Type 2 Diabetes. This is very different from what was recommended for decades. I’m sure you’ve heard and read about eating 3 meals a day and 2 snacks, and that it will increase your metabolism and cause you to lose weight.

The issue with eating so often during the day is that the blood sugar in circulation in your body does not have an opportunity to decrease. It is constantly having to react to new food inputs. This causes your insulin resistance to continue, and this is the opposite of what we want.

Fasting can kick off a process called autophagy, which is one of the body’s natural methods of cellular renewal. This process helps remove old or unhealthy cells and allows new ones to flourish. This is incredibly healthy and mimics the way that humans used to eat before processed ready-made foods became easily available.

What is intermittent fasting? This is Tip # 5 of 7 tips on how to reverse prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes. 

Many people start this process by moving their healthy low-carb breakfast up an hour each day, or every few days. For example, if you normally eat breakfast after you wake up at 7:00 am, then you could start eating breakfast at 8:00 am. Then after a few days, move this time to 9:00 am. Your body will get used to this. Soon you will find yourself feeling hungry after 10:00 or 11:00 am. The window of time that you decide to eat your meals in can get shorter and shorter over time, as your body adapts to this style of eating.

You can then start to play with time-restricted eating. This is a way of eating where you only have a single window of time during the day to eat. One way that people do this is to choose a period of time also called a “window,” in which they eat their meals. Of course, they do not eat 3 meals during this time. They usually eat 2. For example, your first meal might begin at noon, and then your next meal could be at 5:00 pm or 6:00 pm. This would be a 6-hour eating window. In the intermittent fasting world, this would be called an 18/6. This means that you did not eat for 18 hours, and then did for 6.  You will avoid caloric drinks and snacks the rest of the time.

Even though this can help so much, we have a lot of people ask us about gastric bypass surgery for Type 2 Diabletes. 

This way of eating has been shown to result in significant weight loss, reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease, improve insulin sensitivity, and reduce food cravings.

There are other ways to do intermittent fasting as well, such as a 24-hour or 36-hour fast, which can provide the fastest changes in your blood sugar levels. However, it is recommended to approach this over time, instead of just hopping into a 24-hour fast. Especially if you are on medications, you will need to check your blood sugar to make sure you don’t go too low.

You will need to pay attention to your blood sugar levels, especially if you are on diabetes medications.  This way of eating can bring your blood sugar down, and quickly. The way of eating is not the issue. The medications that helped before may be. So pay careful attention to your blood sugar levels, please! Also, alert your doctor that you are experimenting with intermittent fasting and that they will probably want to look at your medications and maybe even decrease them.

We have 2 more tips for you in this article, on how to reverse your prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes. Click here to read more!

Click here to read Part 1 of 7 Tips to Reverse Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes






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